Friday, July 15, 2011

Laundry Day

The laundry is piled in a heap on my bed, an all too familiar scene. If I would put each load away before I pulled out the next one, then the pile wouldn't grow so high. Honestly, sometimes it seems so daunting that I go to bed and attack it the next morning when I am feeling braver. Today I did five loads of laundry and still have yet to put it all away. I'm certain there is a lesson to be learned here. All suggestions are welcome. I have a feeling, though, that I know what you'll say. "Just do it!"

Staring at my pile, I can't help but think about how other things can pile up in my life - chores that need to be done, messages needing to be sent, bills to be paid. The list could go on. But the worst kind of mess that I get myself into is the one created when I let sin go unconfessed. The Bible says that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23). Thankfully, God gave us the Holy Spirit, and a conscience, to make us aware of our sins. God is fully aware of our sins as well. His desire is that we confess those sins so that He can wipe our slates clean and free us from all guilt and fear. (I John 1:9) At least that is the plan. But, have you ever noticed what happens when you let your sins pile up? The burden of those sins becomes almost too heavy to bear. I've seen men and women crippled in their ministry because they had sins they were unwilling to let go. You start to feel like God couldn't possibly want to use you. You feel dirty and, to say the least, unworthy. I assure you that I am speaking from experience. But our God is patient and kind. He lovingly waits, anticipating the day when we will tackle our pile and be made free once again.

If you are staring at a heap of unconfessed sin, make today your clean up day. Confess before God. Name those sins, one by one, and feel the burden being lifted off your shoulders. Don't leave a single piece of dirty laundry for tomorrow.  It's time.  Just do it!  He's waiting.

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